celebration / svinības
1. Mother.. One summer in the ancestral garden. In Rujiena. in the Northern Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve. Many summers were spent there, but this one was special - creative. In this project, I wanted to capture the feeling of the intangible connection between generations - mother, daughter, daughter's daughter....
Mamma. Viena vasara senču dārzā. Rūjienā. Ziemeļvidzemes biosfēras rezervātā. Tur pavadītas daudzas vasaras, bet šī bija īpaša – radošā. Šajā projektā vēlējos iemūžināt sajūtu par netveramo saikni starp paaudzēm – māti, meitu, meitas meitu….
2. Daughter. Life is the best art project you can have. It is interdisciplinary and ignores barriers. Hot summer. +35C
Meita. Dzīve ir labākais mākslas projekts, kāds vien var būt. Tā ir starpdisciplināra un ignorē barjeras. Karsta vasara. +35C
2.1. Daughter. The room is in a more than 300-year-old house. It stands firm, in the middle of the room there is a stove with a chimney - the soul of the house. Many have been here, lived...Add your message here
Meita. Istaba ir vairāk kā 300 gadus vecā mājiņā. Tā turas stingri, telpas vidū ir krāsns ar skursteni – mājas dvēsele. Daudzi te bijuši, dzīvojuši…
3. Daughter's daughter's daughter
Meitas meitas meita